Few who have used it “Have you ever used a perfume subscriber service?” survey.


Few who have used it “Have you ever used a perfume subscriber service?” survey. (2024/10/10)

Survey Summary

We conducted a nationwide survey of men and women in their 20s to 50s, asking the question, “Have you ever used a perfume subscriber service?” The following is an introduction to the survey.

People surveyed Men and women in their 20s to 50s nationwide
Number of answers 100
date of survey 2024/10/07
method of investigation Internet survey

Respondent Attributes






51% of respondents know of the service, but only 23% have actually used it

Do you know about perfume subscriber services?

(know: 51 don't know: 49 )

Have you ever used a perfume subscriber service?

(have used: 12 have never used it: 39 )

Below is a summary of the reasons for each.

《have used》
  • I used the one item plan from Calaria. I was excited to choose a perfume I was interested in each month. I used it because it was convenient to use perfumes that I couldn't find even if I looked for them because I am in the countryside. (30s / Male / Gifu / Full-time employee)
  • I am currently a university student and wear perfume almost every day because I go out a lot, but it is financially difficult to buy something that costs more than 10,000 yen every time it runs out, so I use Subscribe. (20s / Male / Tokyo / Student)
  • Because I wanted to try many kinds of perfumes (20s / Female / Miyagi / Part-time job)
  • Since I live in the countryside, there are no stores that sell nice perfumes and I cannot try out the scents, so I used this service because I thought I could find a perfume that I liked. (30s / Female / Mie Prefecture / Housewife)
  • Because it is a small size, such as 4 ml, which can be used up in a month, so there is no excess perfume. (30s / Female / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • Because the quantity is not large and I can try various kinds of perfumes. (20s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I like good fragrances, but the fragrance I want to use changes quickly, so I used SUBSUKU, which allows me to try it in small quantities and change fragrances regularly. (30s / Female / Shizuoka / Public employee)
  • I saw it in a video by a YouTuber I liked and used it because the monthly fee was cheap. (20s / Female / Aichi / Full-time employee)
  • To try different perfumes in small quantities and find my favorite perfume (20s / Female / Hyogo / Full-time employee)
  • You can try different scents. This is the best service to find your favorite fragrance. (40s / Female / Fukushima / Full-time employee)
  • I can use things I wouldn't normally buy myself, so it's fun to make new discoveries. (50s / Male / Wakayama / Full-time employee)
  • I want to enjoy my favorite fragrance for a long time, so I prefer a long-lasting fragrance. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Housewife)
  • Because it was recommended by a friend(30s / Female / Kumamoto / Full-time employee)

《have never used it》
  • I usually buy perfumes at department stores and other stores where I can actually try the fragrance and like it. Although it is attractive that Subscribe offers a wide selection of products to choose from, I am hesitant to use it because I cannot actually try the fragrance. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Temporary staff, contract worker)
  • I considered using the service because I thought I might be able to find a new fragrance that is unique to me by being able to try out new products and perfumes I have never used before, but there is a possibility that “the amount of trial is small” or “depending on how it is managed, the fragrance may be blown out and not be a trial” (40s / Female / Saitama / Full-time employee)
  • Because my taste in perfume depends on actually smelling it, and if I find a scent I like, I want to buy it in a large volume and use it forever, not just subscribe to it. (20s / Female / Kanagawa / Full-time employee)
  • I learned about Calaria through YouTube PR, but did not use it because I wanted to establish my own scent. (20s / Female / Tokushima Prefecture / Unemployed)
  • I am interested and would like to try many things, but I always buy the usual things I like at the stores I usually buy from. (30s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I know that there are perfume subscriptions because I see them as advertisements when I search for perfumes on the Internet, but I have never used them because I am concerned about quality control, etc., and I do not find their service attractive. (40s / Male / Saitama / Self-employed, freelance)
  • Because I would like to own it myself, including the bottle of perfume (40s / Male / Saitama / Self-employed, freelance)
  • If I receive a type I don't like, I will feel it is a loss. (30s / Female / Aichi / Part-time job)
  • Because I don't use it enough to subscribe to it (20s / Female / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • I know about it because an influencer mentioned it on SNS, but I haven't used it because it is a standard in my mind. (30s / Female / Osaka / Part-time job)
  • Because the plan is expensive (40s / Female / Ibaraki / Part-time job)
  • I am not happy with the price of using the service, such as being able to purchase a whole bottle of perfume for the amount spent at the subscriber. If that were the case, it would be more economical to go to a department store, check the fragrance of the perfume, and purchase it. (40s / Male / Hyogo / Full-time employee)
  • I rarely use perfume, and I like the scent of the one I have now. (50s / Female / Aichi / Housewife)
  • Because I keep using a perfume I like and can't change it easily. (40s / Female / Gifu / Housewife)
  • I have several favorite perfumes, so I don't have a chance to use subsume. (20s / Female / Saitama / Full-time employee)
  • I only need one that I like (30s / Female / Kanagawa / Housewife)
  • I hesitate to buy if it is too expensive (20s / Female / Miyagi / Part-time job)
  • I don't have the taste to enjoy multiple items, and as a result, it would be relatively expensive. (30s / Male / Okayama / Full-time employee)
  • I looked online because I wanted to try different scents, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a new scent and make a mistake. (30s / Female / Hiroshima / Full-time employee)
  • If I receive something I don't like, it will go to waste. (30s / Female / Yamaguchi / Housewife)
  • I decided on a daily basis, and since I do not use more than one perfume, there was no reason to go to the trouble of joining a subscriber. (30s / Male / Yamagata / Part-time job)
  • Because I don't know what it smells like until I see it (20s / Female / Saitama / Part-time job)
  • I am limited in the scents I like, and I am not good at general musk or strong citrus scents, so I am not comfortable with subsques because I am afraid that I might hit on a scent I don't like. (40s / Female / Oita / Full-time employee)
  • I don't want to change perfumes all the time (40s / Female / Tottori / Part-time job)
  • I am happy with the amount that I can use up, but I feel that the time and effort required to find a fragrance similar to the brand of fragrance I want to use and the fact that I am not as concerned about perfume as I am about skin care products are also reasons why I do not use it. (50s / Female / Hyogo / Full-time employee)
  • I found out about Perfume Subs online. Although I am interested in it, I don't use it because I don't know what kind of fragrances I will receive and I feel the monthly fee is too expensive. (40s / Female / Tottori / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I am satisfied with the perfume I am using now and I am not really interested in other perfumes. (20s / Male / Ehime / Student)
  • Because there is a possibility of non-genuine products (20s / Female / Tokyo / Part-time job)
  • I have a perfume that I like and I don't buy other perfumes. (30s / Female / Saitama / Part-time job)
  • I want to buy perfume because I want to actually smell it. (20s / Female / Nagano / Part-time job)
  • Because I already have a few favorite perfumes and don't really feel the need to change. I like perfume, but I am not elaborate enough to pay for subscriptions. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • Because I would like to choose my favorite fragrance online or in-store and purchase it in a reliable and error-free manner. (50s / Female / Hyogo / Part-time job)
  • I'm not sure if I will receive the fragrance I like. Besides, it doesn't seem to be cost-effective. (40s / Female / Kanagawa / Full-time employee)
  • I wear perfume on my days off, but it is forbidden at work, and I don't have enough opportunities to use it to subscribe. (40s / Female / Kyoto / Part-time job)

《don't know》
  • Even perfumes that I like and buy can take years to use up and I get bored with them, so I would like to use them depending on the price of the subs. (50s / Female / Toyama / Housewife)
  • I learned from this survey that there are perfume subscriptions. I have never used it, but I think it is a good opportunity to try various new things, so I became interested in it. (30s / Female / Saitama / Full-time employee)
  • I have never used it because I didn't know there was even a perfume in the growing number of subs. I wondered if it was okay if I didn't have to subscribe because I use one fragrance for a long time. (40s / Female / Saitama / Part-time job)
  • I always use my favorite brand of perfume, so if there is a brand I like among the subs, I would like to consider it. (30s / Female / Aichi / Full-time employee)
  • I don't know where it is available, but it is good to be able to try different scents. (50s / Female / Osaka / Part-time job)
  • It depends on the price, but I would like to use it if I can try various things and if the conditions are acceptable. (40s / Female / Fukuoka / Housewife)
  • I love perfume and use it often, but it is only perfume that people have given me or that I have bought myself. However, sometimes I would like to change my mood and try a new fragrance or a perfume that I have never heard of before. (30s / Female / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • I always regretted that I could not use the perfumes and they deteriorated, so I would like to use them. (40s / Female / Kanagawa / Full-time employee)
  • This survey was the first time I learned about the term “subsume” in perfume. I have only used perfumes by trying them on testers at stores and buying inexpensive ones or given them to me. (30s / Female / Okinawa / Unemployed)
  • Even if there is a subsume, I don't think I will use it because I get tired of the fragrance and the frequency of using perfume varies depending on the time of year. (30s / Female / Osaka / Part-time job)
  • When I heard of perfume, I had an image that it was expensive and not something I could easily afford, but through this survey, I learned about SUBSCRIBE. I was attracted by the variety of trial samples and the fact that I could enjoy a variety of fragrances, so I decided to take this opportunity to consider subscriber. (20s / Female / Tokyo / Student)
  • I simply didn't use it because I didn't know there were subscriptions even for perfume, but it seems convenient and I would love to use it. (50s / Female / Kyoto / Housewife)
  • In the first place, I think perfume is something you choose and buy at a store each time, and I had no idea about subsques. (50s / Male / Okayama / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I didn't know that there was a sub-subsume of perfume, so I thought it would be nice to have such a thing so that I could use a wide range of perfumes according to my mood (30's / Female / Tokyo / Part-time job).
  • This is the first time I have heard of the term “subscriptions” itself. I feel that it is a waste to buy perfume at a fixed price because I buy only what I am interested in from time to time. (30s / Female / Oita / Part-time job)
  • I would definitely like to use this service. (50s / Male / Hokkaido / Public employee)
  • I was unaware of the existence of subscriptions, but when I thought about whether I would use them in the future, I felt uneasy about their hygiene management, etc., so I thought I would not use them. (30s / Female / Hyogo / Part-time job)
  • I wanted to use it because it looked like fun to try different things (40s / Female / Osaka / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I feel uneasy about the possibility of receiving fragrances that are not to my liking in subs. (30s / Female / Shizuoka / Full-time employee)
  • I don't use subsume itself much, not just perfume, and I look forward to picking up perfume at a store at a time of my own choosing. (40s / Female / Aomori / Housewife)
  • I think I can be satisfied with perfume because I can buy it myself and own it, so I don't use subscriptions. (40s / Male / Nagasaki / Self-employed, freelance)
  • It would be interesting to try different perfumes, and if the price is reasonable, I would consider it. (40s / Female / Shiga Prefecture / Part-time job)


When asked about the use of perfume subscriber services, 51% of respondents were aware of the service and 23% of those who had used the service. Reasons given by those who had used the service included “I can try it in small quantities” and “There are many kinds of perfumes,” while those who had never used the service often gave reasons such as “I can't try before buying” and “I already like the perfume.

Even among those who had not heard of Subscribe, many found the service appealing, with comments such as “I would like to use it depending on the price” and “I would like to try a variety of perfumes.

Of the 51% who had heard of the perfume subscriber service, only 23% had used it, but even among those who had not heard of it, many found the service appealing, suggesting that as awareness of the service increases, the number of users will further increase.

《Citation and Reproduction of Survey Results》

Copyright of this report is owned by Normalism, Inc. When quoting or reprinting this report, please link to "Fragrance OEM Search" ( https://fragrance-oem.com/en ) and indicate the source of the report. Quoting or reproducing the survey in whole or in part with modification is prohibited.